St Francis Herb Farm Allergy Relief Nasal Relief - Brings together nine medicinal homeopathic ingredients that serve to correct the immune system imbalance that is a root cause of allergic reactions in the body. At the same time, it has a direct lubricating effect on nasal tissue for fast-acting relief.
Directions: 1-2 sprays per nostril 3-5 times per day. Non-medicinal Ingredients: Distilled water, organic vegetable glycerine, xylitol, sea salt, sodium bicarbonate, grapefruit seed extract (preservative), propolis, vitamin C, organic alcohol. Homeopathic Ingredients: 0.071 mlLuffa operculata MT; Hydrastis canadensis MT; Allium cepa 6X; Galphimia glauca 12CH; Histaminum (Histamine dihydrochloride) 7CH; Lac defloratum 8CH; Sabadilla 6X; Solidago virgaurea 6X; Zincum acetium 8X.