Renemcaisse Essiac Extract Formula - A world renowned herbal formula developed by Rene M. Caisse, a Canadian nurse. Since 1922, Nurse Caisse used her original herbal formula to help support the immune system.
Indian rhubarb root liquid extract 1:326 30.7 mgNon-medicinal Ingredients: Purified water, grain alcohol, citric acid. Directions: Take 10 ml twice daily for daily use. Take 15 ml three times daily for other health situations, one hour before or after meals. Consult a health care practitioner for prolonged use. Shake well before use and refrigerate after opening. Sheep sorrel leaves liquid extract 1:55.7 179.4 mgSlippery elm bark liquid extract 1:146 68.5 mgBurdock root liquid extract 1:11 901.9 mg