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Genuine Health - GREENS+ - UNSWEETENED

Genuine Health - GREENS+ - UNSWEETENED

Genuine Health greens+ - Starved for energy? Proper nutrition can help, and greens+ may be the answer for you. This award-winning, complete, nutritional super-food is a premium blend of 23 ingredients selected for their unique attributes. One 3 teaspoon serving of greens+ is equal to 6 servings of vegetables. All ingredients in greens+ are non-GMO, and organically grown whenever possible. Proper nutrition often leads to more energy, improved brain function, improved adaptability to stress and an enhanced immune system - and greens+ is an excellent source of nutrient-rich, well balanced health enhancers.

Apple fruit 1033 mgOrganic wheat grass 383 mgOrganic alfalfa grass 383 mgOrganic barley grass 734 mgSpirulina cells 1450 mgLecithin (97% oil-free; soybean; 26% phosphatidylcholine) 2171 mgOrganic whole brown rice kernel 383 mgRoyal jelly standardized to 5% 10-HDA 150 mgOrganic soy sprouts 383 mgChlorella (cracked cell wall) 383 mgEight bacterial cultures 100 mgSiberian ginseng root extract standardized to 0.8% eleutherosides (28:1=1680 mg) 60 mgOrganic red beet root 43 mgMilk thistle seed extract standardized to 86% silymarin (40:1=2400 mg) 60 mgGinkgo biloba leaf extract standardized to 24% ginkgo flavonglycosides and 6% terpene lactones (50:1=1000 mg) 20 mgAtlantic dulse seaweed 33 mgAcerola berry juice extract standardized to 18% Vitamin C 115 mgFOS (fructooligosaccharides)(from chicory root) 100 mgLicorice root extract standardized to 10% glycyrrhizin (5:1=580 mg) 116 mgBee pollen 150 mgDirections: Mix 1 scoop (8.5 g) in 1 cup (250 ml) of pure water or juice. Shake well. May contain skim milk as part of probiotic culture. Contains no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. Non-GMO. Japanese green tea leaf extract standardized to 90% polyphenols (20:1=300 mg) 15 mgGrape extract standardized to 95% proanthocyanidins & 200 ppm Resveratrol (500:1=2500 mg) 5 mgEuropean bilberry extract standardized to 25% anthocyanidins (100:1=1000 mg) 10 mg
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Genuine Health - GREENS+ - UNSWEETENED

Genuine Health -

Genuine Health greens+ - Starved for energy? Proper nutrition can help, and greens+ may be the answer for you. This award-winning, complete, nutritional super-food is a premium blend of 23 ingredients selected... read moreread more

Price: Regular price$75.68 Sale price $67.48 CAD
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Genuine Health greens+ - Starved for energy? Proper nutrition can help, and greens+ may be the answer for you. This award-winning, complete, nutritional super-food is a premium blend of 23 ingredients selected for their unique attributes. One 3 teaspoon serving of greens+ is equal to 6 servings of vegetables. All ingredients in greens+ are non-GMO, and organically grown whenever possible. Proper nutrition often leads to more energy, improved brain function, improved adaptability to stress and an enhanced immune system - and greens+ is an excellent source of nutrient-rich, well balanced health enhancers.

Apple fruit 1033 mgOrganic wheat grass 383 mgOrganic alfalfa grass 383 mgOrganic barley grass 734 mgSpirulina cells 1450 mgLecithin (97% oil-free; soybean; 26% phosphatidylcholine) 2171 mgOrganic whole brown rice kernel 383 mgRoyal jelly standardized to 5% 10-HDA 150 mgOrganic soy sprouts 383 mgChlorella (cracked cell wall) 383 mgEight bacterial cultures 100 mgSiberian ginseng root extract standardized to 0.8% eleutherosides (28:1=1680 mg) 60 mgOrganic red beet root 43 mgMilk thistle seed extract standardized to 86% silymarin (40:1=2400 mg) 60 mgGinkgo biloba leaf extract standardized to 24% ginkgo flavonglycosides and 6% terpene lactones (50:1=1000 mg) 20 mgAtlantic dulse seaweed 33 mgAcerola berry juice extract standardized to 18% Vitamin C 115 mgFOS (fructooligosaccharides)(from chicory root) 100 mgLicorice root extract standardized to 10% glycyrrhizin (5:1=580 mg) 116 mgBee pollen 150 mgDirections: Mix 1 scoop (8.5 g) in 1 cup (250 ml) of pure water or juice. Shake well. May contain skim milk as part of probiotic culture. Contains no artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. Non-GMO. Japanese green tea leaf extract standardized to 90% polyphenols (20:1=300 mg) 15 mgGrape extract standardized to 95% proanthocyanidins & 200 ppm Resveratrol (500:1=2500 mg) 5 mgEuropean bilberry extract standardized to 25% anthocyanidins (100:1=1000 mg) 10 mg