Bell #76 Kidney Cleanse & Function Tea - A special
herbal tea formulated to help with kidney function problems. This formula has
natural cleansing properties, improve your kidney function is as little as 2
months. Kidney Cleanse & Function Tea is made with all natural ingredients
(no caffeine) that are safe and effective for support and improving your kidney
function. Kidney Cleanse & Function Tea is for both men and women. Tastes
great hot or cold
Stinging nettle (leaf) 588 mgEnglish lavender (flower) 569 mgUva-ursi (leaf) 626 mgParsley (herb) 569 mgAstragalus (root) 468 mgNon-medicinal Ingredients: Bermuda grass. Marshmallow (root) 468 mgDirections: Drink 1 cup of tea, twice daily. After desired results have been attained, drink 1 cup of tea daily for maintenance. (Use 2 teaspoons of dried tea to 1 cup of water).