AOR Niacin No-Flush - A form of the B vitamin niacin, commonly known as Vitamin B3, bound to the B-vitamin-like simple polyol inositol. Niacin helps with the proper functioning of the nerves, skin and digestive system. It is an important factor in the metabolism of foods into energy; and is required in many essential biological functions including cellular energy production and DNA repair. While niacin’s effects are beneficial, it often causes an uncomfortable symptom known as the “niacin flush”, a harmless but uncomfortable sensation of warming and itching of the skin. Niacinamide, a common type of sustained release niacin, does not cause this flushing effect, but comes with the even worse side effect of potential liver damage. AOR’s Niacin No-Flush provides a unique form of niacin, known as inositol hexanicotinate (IHN), a compound that releases vitamin B3 into the body slowly to prevent the flushing effect but without the potential risks to the liver caused by niacinamide. Niacin No-Flush is a great way to increase your niacin intake without the uncomfortable flushing side effects.