AOR Mag-K-Taurine - A synergistic combination of Magnesium, Potassium and Taurine all of which are essential for healthy cardiovascular function. The heart health benefits of magnesium and potassium are mostly due to their electrolyte effects on cells and nerves, supporting the ability of nerves to transmit signals and the ability of muscles to contract, both of which are important to regulate heart rhythm. A deficiency in either magnesium or potassium can result in high blood pressure, and many studies have found supplementation with either mineral to be effective for lowering blood pressure. Even mild deficiencies in potassium may result in nervous disorders, insomnia, and irregular heartbeat. Nutritional research has also proven taurine’s ability to lower blood pressure, stabilize membranes and regulate the heartbeat. In repeated studies, taurine has been shown effective for regulating heartbeat, as well as for minimizing the damage caused by a lack of oxygen to the heart tissues. AOR’s Mag-K-Taurine is an electrolyte formula free of sugars that fill most electrolyte supplements. It provides an important balance of magnesium and potassium for good nerve and muscle contractility along with taurine for maintained heart function.