NAC or N-Acetyl Cysteine, has been researched for a variety of benefits for over 20 years. NAC works as a team player behind the scenes to increase natural chemicals in the body that are vital to keep you young and healthy; and it also helps other nutrients to be more effective. It is used in many hospitals for its anti-inflammatory and mucous-reducing effects. NAC counteracts toxic chemical poisoning and negative reactions caused by drugs. It has also been used to combat mental illness.
One tough free radical fighter! Enerex NAC 1000 offers 1000 milligrams of the natural, research-supported antioxidant the highest potency available. This N-Acetyl Cysteine supplement brings out the big guns to fight radical molecules that can increase aging and disease. NAC is said to have antioxidant benefits because it makes the body produce more Glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful free-radical reducer, sometimes called “the body’s master antioxidant.”
What is Glutathione?
Glutathione can be found in every cell of the human body. Glutathione is made from three amino acids – cysteine (associated with NAC), glycine and glutamate. The highest amount of glutathione is in the liver, where it is vital to the body’s detox processes.
Glutathione is an essential part of the body’s natural defense system. Viruses, bacteria, pollution, heavy metals, radiation, everyday chemicals, medications, and even the process of aging all cause free-radical damage to cells — and these deplete Glutathione. A lower level of glutathione has been connected to low immune function because of the body’s reduced ability to detoxify the harmful free radicals.
What does this have to do with NAC? It is because NAC is closely associated with the antioxidant Glutathione that, as a supplement, it:
- May treat bronchitis and ear infections
- Has been shown to lower risks of heart disease and lower cholesterol
- Increases immunity against certain flus
- May help increase energy, and enable the body to recover faster after injury
- Has been studied for benefits in reducing side effects from medications including NSAIDs and other pain medication particularly acetaminophen, and reducing cancer treatment side effects
- Helps psychiatric conditions including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and depression
- May help with symptoms of Lou Gehrig’s disease
- Might reduce addictions to cocaine and cigarettes
Enerex NAC 1000 offers 1000 mg of naturally-derived practitioner-grade N-Acetyl Cysteine, an antioxidant known for its anti-inflammatory, cell-protecting, protein-building & mucous-reducing effects. NAC stimulates the production of glutathione, the body’s “master” antioxidant & one of the liver’s main detoxifying compounds. By neutralizing free radicals, NAC may slow aging & decrease chronic disease risks.